We are all exposed to the indoors more than the outdoors these days. Apart from the occasional walks perhaps, we are mostly tackling the elements present within our homes. Our living space is moonlighting as our workspace. Our kitchen has become the latest restaurant. And the common area is the new theatre.
But without proper lighting, these spaces will fail in their purpose. They might be functionally equipped to handle the desired activity, but you won’t. Without good lighting, you can never optimally use those spaces. Lighting adds more to your home than you realize.
Impacts mood
Have you ever felt gloomy in winters, especially when the sun is absent for a long period of time? It is well documented now that lighting influences people’s mood. As beings who have evolved under the sun, our minds react to light on a subconscious level. Different shades of light bring out different feelings within us.
Therefore, it is essential to have tuneable lights in your home that can mimic natural light. These lights provide bright blue light for higher productivity during the day and warm yellow light in the evening to help you relax. This keeps your circadian rhythm in balance and wards of seasonal depression.
Enriches experience
Lighting enhances your overall experience of any space. With a proper light setup, the food suddenly appears doubly delicious. You can focus better during work. Your eyes won’t hurt while reading. Your bedroom will exude more warmth. Lighting based on the utility of space adds to both the function and beauty of the décor.
Apart from the above factors, good lighting provides one more obvious yet crucial service. It provides visibility to your architecture. It ensures there are no shady corners in your home where objects often go missing. It sheds the right light in the right places and highlights the beauty of your space. In fact, through light design, you can transform any ordinary corner into an extraordinary space.
Now, to go about creating the perfect ambience for your home, you have to zero in on the basics of how to light. You must understand how to layer lights to bring out the best of your space. If done right, you will achieve comfort, utility and beauty through layering.
There are essentially three layers of lighting you have to keep in mind. –
Ambient lighting
The first and perhaps the most critical layer. It is the foundation over which all the other layers function. Ambient lighting is nothing but general lighting. It maintains a proper wash of light across the spaces so that you can always see where you kept your specs and never misplace the remote (unless you lose it in the couch!). This can mostly be achieved by overhead lighting like COB downlighters, LED panels or recessed lighting. Hanging lights or even chandeliers can be used for this. There is no dearth of options when it comes to finding ambient lights with both form and function.
Some pointers for implementing ambient lights-
- Ambient lights are not for focus. Don’t stress too much about the lumens. Multiply the length and breadth of the space by 20 and you will have an idea of how many lumens you need.
- If you are going with recessed lighting, having one light for every square foot is a good start point.
- Other aspects factor in while choosing the best lights for ambient lighting. It is best to consult an expert to get the desired output.
Task lighting

Our Ambient lighting was more for a bright wash across spaces, task lighting is more utility-based. These are focused lights that help you with tasks. Like desk lamps for study or work. Vanity lights in the washroom for when you are getting ready. Bedside lamps so that you can read a book before going to bed and not disturb your partner. Maybe install a few undercabinet lights to fully appreciate the dishes you whip up. Or even some floor lamps placed tastefully in your living room for the long and warm intimate conversations in the evening. These task light can effectively help you work and create an ambience.
Some pointers for implementing task lighting-
- These are focused lights meant for doing tasks, so more lumens are good. Measure the square footage of the activity area and multiply by 50 to get the minimum amount of lumens required.
- They should be dimmable and adjustable. This gives more flexibility to you and generates higher utility, leading to a better experience.
- Â Go for tuneable light. You never know what tasks you might do under those lights. You may wish to weave, read or paint a miniature sculpture under it and all these activities need different lighting. While lights with 4000 Kelvin or higher are great for work that requires concentration, lights below 3000 Kelvin are kinder to the eyes.
Accent lighting
This is the cherry on top. This is the layer that truly dresses up your spaces, gives them character and adds an elegant vigour to your home. Accent lights add depth to the spaces it is applied in. Use them to highlight both the art and architecture of your home. It can be a splendid pendant hanging over a dainty coffee table in the kitchen, or uplighters that adds a new dimension to your staircase. It can be an Italian chandelier hanging in the living room, bathing it in mesmerizing patterns and giving your guests a breathtaking welcome. It can even be a set of magnetic track lights over your dining table or kitchen counter, making every dish look delicious. This is where you get to add an atmosphere of elegance and a unique style to your spaces.
Some pointers for implementing accent lights-
- Ambient and task lights look after utilitarian lighting, accent lights make your space come alive. Though they have less light output, their purpose is to subtly light dark corners and add drama to ordinary spaces.
- Use them to highlight the art and architecture all around your establishment. Let them be the art piece that brings alive your masterpiece.
- Use them wisely and tastefully. These lights can be used to create a signature style for your home and form an impression on your guests.
Now all this can seem a little complicated to implement and can give rise to even more questions. That’s why at Tisva we always have an in-house expert who can answer any query you may have on lighting your spaces. You can book a free consultation with us and we will guide you step by step in bringing your home alive. We also provide a comprehensive range of lighting solutions that are based on human-centric lighting. Our products are aimed at making spaces more liveable. Our tuneable and dimmable products ensure that you always have control over the intensity and colour temperature of your light. Adjusting them to create personalised ambiences and match your every mood. You can find everything from an Egyptian Asfour Crystal chandelier to a single LED lamp in our collection. Come, discover the joy of lighting at Tisva.