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Layering of lights at home

We are all exposed to the indoors more than the outdoors these days. Apart from the occasional walks perhaps, we are mostly tackling the elements present within our homes. Our living space is moonlighting as our workspace. Our kitchen has become the latest restaurant. And the common area is the new theatre. But without proper […]


Top 3 ways Human centric lighting improves living

Years before humans could be called civilised, our animal skin sporting ancestors roamed around under the sun, living their lives dictated by its rise and fall. The day was for hunting, gathering and sustaining life. The night was to rest and hide from predators. This cycle established itself over thousands of years, cementing its imprint […]


Chandeliers, Wall Lights, Pendants

Mixing and matching is good if you have no option. And if you are looking for something really casual. But there are areas in our homes where we need to be a little more planned. Home lighting is one of these much neglected areas.Check out our range here. Or visit our nearest store. Bring your […]


Light Colour Intensity Creates Magic

Light is faint visual background noise: always there, only noticed when it’s bad. Beyond meeting many simple needs, lighting can improve work and enhance play. Effective ambient lighting subtly brings to light (pardon our pun) the tasks we grapple with, and can do so in nearly every area of our lives. Ambient lighting provides an […]


Perception of Light

It is a truth universally acknowledged that when there is light we see things and in darkness we don’t. This simple observation leads us to wrongly believe that our eyes perceive the world around us through the amount of light present. Whereas in reality our eyes perceive the world around us by the quantity of contrast […]



Colour is not a physical property of the objects we see, but the light that is reflected back by the surface/object. Colour results from light waves bouncing off an object; in the case of transparent or semi-transparent objects it would result from light waves passing through it. Therefore the material of the object/surface determines the […]



We all know what Brightness is. However, let’s get a bit technical: In the world of Lighting Design, specifying the direction and distribution of light in a space yields Brightness contrast. Simply put determining the intensity and spread of light over an area results in Brightness levels. Brightness vs Luminance We often use the terms […]

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